Sunday, June 29, 2014

Confessions of a Media Addict...OR Working Toward Balance

The Illuminated Tightroper is a description of a Christian in this world, illuminated by the Holy Spirit and walking a tightrope:  living in this world while a purveyor of light from the Unseen Kingdom of God.  It IS a tightrope act but fortunately, we have the best "spotter" as well as net, in our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we fail frequently, but who NEVER fails to keep us walking until He brings us safely home.

Post # 1: Confessions of a Media Addict...OR Working toward Balance

Hello, my name is Jeannie and I am a media addict.   Ok, so there are no “Media Anonymous” groups out there, but maybe there should be.  Or a “Media Watcher,” organization,  more aptly, akin to Weight Watchers.  While not necessary for life, like food is, we are wired as human beings to be social creatures.  As such, we seek to be connected to others.  Unless there is some kind of social or psychological impairment that causes us to cut ourselves off from the rest of humanity, we are pretty much tuned in to the world around us and we seek others out, both person to person and through our senses.  For many of us, however, our senses can get overloaded.  Knowing when,  how or to what degree to unplug from time to time, for our overall health, is something I know I need to look into.  Can anybody reading this relate?
         I’ve known people over the years who don’t watch television, and I admire that.  I know that I would get a whole lot more done each day if I uplugged mine more often.  But then there is still radio, music via ipod, cd, Pandora,  satellite ….  And there’s the cellphone, email, Facebook, chat rooms, YouTube, Instagram, video games…  It really does seem like the options are nearly endless!  I think there really IS such a thing as "too much of a good thing!"
         When do we stop and think?  When do we take time to center ourselves, pray (as  Christians)  and get quiet enough to listen to that “still, small voice” for the guidance,  encouragement,  conviction and peace that Jesus promised those who follow Him by His Spirit living inside us.  As with ANY communication modality we have to “tune in” and be on the correct “frequency” in order to connect.  We are called to a relationship with our God and Savior, which involves a 2-way dialogue throughout our days.  It’s hard to have a dialogue when your focus is everywhere else but that relationship.  If we don’t take the time to set goals and live intentionally – make specific decisions for our lives – decide to live by certain principles and values, to work towards something, and live for something bigger than we are -  we will spend our lives on what I call “Auto pilot” – and then wonder (at some point) why we seem to be just “spinning our wheels.”  Somehow I don’t think this was what Jesus had in mind when he said that he came “that they (we) might have life and have it to the full.”  (John 10:10b).  Is that how I would describe MY life? Most of the time, I confess, it is NOT.  I wonder how much of that is related to not taking to time to “unplug” from the NOISE of this world and take the time to PLUG into the “still waters”  that David talked about in Ps.23. But we need to LET ourselves be led to them if we are to experience them!
         Is anyone else reading this up for a challenge?  Are you – like me – ready to be led to those “still waters” in order to listen to the “still, small voice” of our Shepherd  and begin to live the life we’ve been given to the full as Jesus said He came to make possible?  We don’t have to start with a full day – or even half a day.  How about 15 minutes or a half hour once a day, to start?  Preferably the same time each day, but don’t be too legalistic about it – days change.  Yet if we don’t have some consistency,  we probably won’t stick with it.  I’m challenging myself with this.  I know I have been consistently inconsistent so far, but believe that this NEEDS to become a high priority if I am to avoid wasting much of the rest of my life and instead living with joy, gratitude and fulfillment in the time that remains.  If you feel the same, then come, let’s walk together on this narrow road that can make all the difference!