Last night at the Westgate prayer meeting Pastor Alec asked anyone who needed prayer for "the impossible" to come up and be prayed for, and he anointed us with oil as he prayed for each person (and there were a LOT of us around that altar!). It reminded me of one of my favorite passages of Scripture: Rom. 4:17, in which it's mentioning Abraham, "As it is written, 'I have made you a father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed - THE GOD WHO GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD AND CALLS THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE."
This fits in perfectly with last night's prayers. We are living in a crazy world and are often expected to do so much more than it seems possible for us to do. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed and hopeless. We NEED a LIFE TRANSPLANT! (Am I alone in this? I doubt it!) And here Paul points out that our God GIVES life to the dead (both figurative and literal!) and calls things that are not as though they were. There are so MANY things I am NOT in my own flesh (I wouldn't even know where to start listing them!), and on my own, apart from God, I am (spiritually) dead. But when I accept His gift of eternal life through His death for me on the cross, I have life - both now and eternally! When I stay close in my walk with Jesus, partnering with Him as He so intends, he brings me to LIFE and can call things out of me that I never knew EXISTED!
Does anyone else want THIS kind of SUPERNATURAL life? If SO, call on the name of the Lord and you WILL be saved - given everlasting life - but you will also be given a new quality of life HERE and NOW! If you're tired and feeling lost and "not enough" - get to know and walk close to the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were!
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